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Crystal Palace Local Elections 2022

On 5th May 2022, residents all of our local wards will be casting votes for local councillors.

Many of these council seats across all five local boroughs have not been contested since 2018 and only a small proportion of the incumbent candidates are standing for re-election this time. A lot has changed.

What we have found since ShopSE19 was created in 2018 is that an open and supportive conversation with our local councillors, irrespective of party politics, is vital to solving local problems ranging from local refuse collections and street cleaning to bigger broader issues such as local regeneration support and getting the best for Crystal Palace. A location which often gets ignored at the far corner of five large London boroughs, when it comes to making strategic decisions that affect all of us. Whatever the outcome on 5th May, we need to be able to work with all our local ward councillors. And we need them to work together for Crystal Palace.

Having councillors who show up, take the time to ask questions and listen to diverse voices across our community will make all the difference. We are apolitical, but local politics really matters.

Based on issues raised by local businesses over the last few months and post-lockdown recovery period, we've put together a list of 10 Business Asks. Where we have details, we've emailed candidates individually to ask them how they intend to help, should they be elected.

These are the themes where we need pledges from candidates and constructive conversations and action from elected local councillors to help our high streets thrive and be more resilient. We're keen to understand candidates points of view and how we can work together in the future.

Our 2022 business asks

Some of these are really basic needs. We're hoping to gain support across all political parties to help improve our local high streets, preserve the unique and special things about Crystal Palace and make SE19 a great place to stay and spend time. After all, Crystal Palace has already been judged the Best Place To Live. We're privileged to be here. Let's make sure SE19 really is great, and serves our whole community.

If you are a candidate for a local ward whose residents care about what happens in Crystal Palace, please get in touch and we can send you the briefing we have put together and update you on our work and our aims. You can reach us at

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